Start Searching For Jobs Now
You may not need to apply for jobs now but you can start looking for jobs as it will not hurt , maybe you don’t have the required skills now but attitude also matters a lot so start preparing yourself now and who knows you get you dream job in Pakistan sooner than you thought. This way you will come to know what kind of things and abilities these companies are looking for
Find A Job That Will Sharp Your Skills
Well there are less chances that you get your dream job in Lahore, Karachi or any big city of Pakistan after you have freshly passed out so don’t go mad or lose hope when you don’t find your dream occupation, on the other hand choose those opportunities which have come your way as they will give you experience and train you for future.
Relax And Don’t Be Nervous
Take a chill pill and don’t be nervous if you got an interview call from your dream company. Take a deep breath and remember your accomplishments. Don’t take too much tension.
Research On Company & The Industry
It is very important that you are aware of the company where you are going for interview. Google is your friend and you should take advantage of it and search on company that who are their customer, suppliers etc and also their competitors. Research the challenges and opportunities which you can have in the industry.
Memorize Your Positive Traits By-Heart
It is important that you are very well aware of your major plus points and how these traits can help the company to prosper. You should not hesitate in telling your qualifications and achievements, well don’t ever show off.
Don’t Lie About Your Weaknesses
Nobody is perfect so don’t try to be and when the question about your weaknesses comes up tell the truth but at the same time interviewer you know how to overcome and manage such challenges and you will try your best to change them in opportunities.
Most important you should know about yourself that what career path will be best for you and if it will suit you or not. You should make plans and do prepare yourself in terms of skills, knowledge experience and attitude. Then mostly are the chances that you will get your dream jobs in Pakistansooner than ever.
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