The following is our list of all U.S. schools that offer degrees in Marine Biology or related fields such as Biological Oceanography, Marine Science, Fisheries, etc. Please note that most degrees in Marine Biology are earned at the Masters level or higher and usually require a Bachelor's degree first in Biology, Zoology or another life science. Many schools now also offer Bachelor degrees in Marine Biology but to be a "true" Marine Biologist be sure to follow through and complete your Master's or Doctorate (PhD) degree.
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Most links open directly to each school's marine biology program or curriculum page for your convenience (please contact us if you have any comments, changes or additions). Schools not found to offer Marine Biology degrees but that do offer degrees thought to be roughly similar to Marine Biology, are denoted with brackets, such as [Marine Science] or [Biological Oceanography]. Also note that BS and MS or PhD below may be linked separately to their specific program or department sites.
To determine which school is right for you, you may want to consult the current rankings: [link 1
][link 2
], but be forewarned that they are not always the best indicator of the "best" school. It is often better to make your own assessment based on the school's curricula, the experience of its faculty, and laboratory facilities for hands-on experience.
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