Attitude and personality of the person also matters because if you will hire the person who have all the required skills and experience but he does not want to change himself, have negative attitude or may be not have the right personality to fit in the environment at you job work then believe me experience will be no good.
That is why hiring managers should communicate with candidates and makes them aware of your company culture or the types of people you have already employed and also what personality trait you are looking in a potential candidate for this job In Karachi.
Commitment- hire those people who have a passion for their work and know how to work in tight deadlines. You may be thinking that commitment comes with experience but most of the times it does not. So hiring managers should hire those people who have some commitment level in them and who can bring success to their company.
Flexibility is also an important factor which hiring managers should never look over. We are living in a world where technology has took over everything and things change with fast speed so it is important that HR managers select those people who have ability to move with the fast pace of the world. One who is all ready to learn new things and ready to face all the challenges?
It’s not the time when only expedite will do well for your company as many other things also matters while you are hiring people for a job in Pakistan. You should choose those candidates who have calm and flexible personality, committed to do things accordingly and on time as well as whom which can work with other people as a team otherwise they are going to be a bad hire. So always keep in mind to dig deeper and something other than experience because there are other attributes which also matters a lot to make your hire successful.
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