Monday, 28 October 2013

The 4th Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences will be held March 10-22, 2014

The first LA School was held from 7th to 18th March 2011 in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. Find more information clicking here.
  • The second LA School was held from 5th to 16th March, 2012 in Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina. Find more information clicking here.
    The third LA School will gather in ItacarĂ©, a paradisiacal region in Bahia, Brazil. It will be held from 4th to 15th March 2013. It will be funded by James S. McDonnell Foundation and organized in collaboration with the Brain Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and Brazilian Society for Neuroscience and Behavior (SBNeC).
    The LA School is based on the observation that schools teach science, math and language in quite nonscientific ways. Different teaching methods spawn, but there is little empirical comparison of their distinct efficacies. Teaching is nearly always based on traditions and qualitative opinions. Where can one find an educational science amenable to measurement, test and improvement not just in laboratories, but within class rooms? Unless we can answer this key question, the world’s educational gap is likely to continue widening.
    Modern societies increasingly demand education based on scientific evidence. We must thus work towards applying what we know about human cognition to the classroom practice. LA Schools are the result of a meeting that took place in Santiago de Chile in 2007. This meeting brought together scientists interested in the Brain/Education Barrier and led to the Santiago Declaration, which you are kindly invited to read here.
    Applicants should be English-speaking graduate students, postdoctoral fellows or young independent researchers dedicated to exploring the relationships between cognition, brain, learning and education. The LA School has a focus on Latin America, but applicants from all countried are invited to apply. The school will cover all travel, board and lodging expenses for the selected candidates. Applications will be received until August 20, 2012.


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