Sunday, 27 October 2013

Superior Colleges Seminar on "Islam & Economic System of Pakistan"

Superior Colleges Seminar on "Islam & Economic System of Pakistan"

Lahore: The Department of Economics hosted a seminar titled “Islam & Economic System of Pakistan”, in collaboration with Superior Economist Club.
The speaker included Mr. Ghulam Muhammad Saabri, Director Forest, Punjab. Prof. Zia Ullah, Programme Manager of Economics Department presided over the event.
The workshop brought together scholars working in the disciplines of spiritual and legal principles of an Islamic economic system to think about the relationship between Islam and economy.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Ghulam Sabri stressed that students and youth should learn about a complete economical system in Islam which is comprehensive from ‘cradle to grave’ solving human economic problems under the light of the Islamic Shari’a.


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