Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Cambridge applicants stalking page 2013

Cambridge Applicants Stalking Page 2013
This page (which you can edit) is part of The Student Room's information and advice about the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge (known collectively as Oxbridge). Whilst the two universities have have much in common, they also have many differences. The information on Applying to Oxbridge and Oxbridge Interviews applies to both.
If you have questions, or just want to chat, come join us in TSR's Oxford and Cambridge forums.
University of Oxford: Guide & Forum
How to choose a College • College Pros and Cons
A Week in the Life: of an Arts Student or of a Science Student
FAQ: CollegesApplyingUniversity Life
University of Cambridge: Guide & Forum
How to choose a College • College Pros and Cons
A Week in the Life: of an Arts Student or of a Science Student
As well as the Cambridge Uni Guide we have a page on Cambridge Slang. Also see Standard IB offers for Cambridge.
Courses (not all have pages): Anglo-Saxon, Norse and CelticEngineeringEnglishGeographyHistoryLawMathematicsModern and Medieval LanguagesMusicPsychologyPolitics, Psychology and Sociology
Colleges: Christ'sChurchillClareClare Hall (graduates) • Corpus ChristiDarwin (graduates) • DowningEmmanuelFitzwilliamGirtonGonville and CaiusHomertonHughes Hall (mature) • JesusKing'sLucy Cavendish (mature. undergrads are female) • MagdaleneMurray Edwards (female) • Newnham (female) • PembrokePeterhouseQueens'RobinsonSt Catharine'sSt Edmund's (mature) • St John'sSelwynSidney SussexTrinityTrinity HallWolfson (mature)
Look at Personal Statements used to apply to Cambridge


Cambridge University Crest
This page is intended to make it easy to access and share information about applicants to Cambridge for entry in 2013. Do not feel obliged to enter your details or fill in all columns of the table.


If you are not experienced, or comfortable, in editing Wiki pages then feel free to post on Cambridge applicants for 2013 entry III: Return of the King('s college) with your details and someone should be happy to update it here for you. Do not edit someone else's entry unless they have asked you to do so: everyone is entitled to have as much or as little information on here as they wish.


Please take note that the table is alphabetically ordered by course, college and then username.

UMS Average: Generally, if you are applying for a science subject, Cambridge will look at your three most relevant subjects and take an average. If you are applying for an arts subject, they will take the top three subjects. Maths and Further Maths count as one subject (unless you are applying for maths - in which case it is two).
Interview Details: If you want to disclose your interview date, you should add it here.


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