Friday 25 October 2013

Assessing Teachers’ Competencies for Better Student Learning Outcomes: Baseline Study for AKES,P

As part of its assessment services, AKU-EB recently completed Baseline, and Recruitment Tests for one of its major partners, Aga Khan Education Services, Pakistan (AKES,P). The Tests were aimed to assess the existing competence of teachers under AKES,P network in order to help determine the current capacity, as well as to design the professional development programs in future. A total of 31 test papers were developed by AKU-EB while almost 2,000 teachers were tested from across the country

The Recruitment Tests assessed the level of knowledge and skill among the newly hired teachers while a Baseline Study was done to examine teachers (including seasonal, permanent and newly hires) from Early Childhood Development level up to the Higher Secondary Level, for their content knowledge in ten specific subject areas. E-Marking and detailed analysis of the Tests is in progress. The initial results, based on item analysis, as well as the final analytical report will be shared with AKES,P very soon 

In the education sector, a Baseline Study helps to analyse the current level and characteristics of knowledge in a group of students or teachers. The Study helps identify specific needs of the given population before a particular program or initiative is started to address those needs. 

Because of its expertise in assessments and evaluation, AKU-EB has earned credibility in this field. The above mentioned was the fourth Baseline Study carried out by AKU-EB since its inception. 
  • The first Study was conducted for EDLINKS – “Links to Learning” Project funded by USAID in 2008. The Study, reporting the standard of Middle School Promotion Examinations and student performance in government schools in rural Sindh and Baluchistan, was identified as the only authentic baseline in the Project.
  • The second Study was carried out for the STEP Project funded by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) about student achievement in government primary schools in Sindh and Balochistan.
  • Recently, AKU-EB has established a baseline of student learning, teaching and school management in focused schools of Education Development and Improvement Program (EDIP) in Gilgit and Baltistan.
  • These Baseline Studies are in addition to the mid-term evaluations and end-line reports that AKU-EB produces for different educational institutes, programmes and projects.


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